This episode of PICK UP THE SIX Podcast is brought to you by the First There Foundation. We met First There through friend of the show Eric Hohman, an Air Force Combat Controller, and a helluva guy.
The mission of First There is to ensure all Combat Controllers have a teammate to reach out to when life becomes difficult. They know first-hand what it feels to be forgotten, lost, and or have lost a loved one. They will provide mental, financial, career, and or substance abuse assistance for the Combat Controller.
Check them out at 1stthere.org and go support their worthy cause.
Our guest today is a product of that partnership with the First There Foundation. His name is Tim Brown and he was one of the original Air Force Combat Controllers.
Tim has traveled the globe chasing bad guys on behalf of Uncle Sam, including jumping into Panama in 1989. He has some incredible stories, so settle in for our conversation with Tim Brown.