Janelle MacAulay remembers watching Top Gun as a little girl and thinking, "can women do that too?"
They sure can, and she aimed to be part of it.
From the Air Force Academy to over 3,000 flying hours and combat deployments, she has operated and lead in rugged and high stress environments.
We’re talking about all of that and more on this episode of PICK UP THE SIX Podcast.

This episode of PICK UP THE SIX Podcast is sponsored by AllBirds. I’ve been an AllBirds customer for years now, because their shoes look great, they are super comfortable, and they make shoes and clothes that are better for you and better for the planet by using revolutionary, premium, natural materials.
As a runner, I’m also looking for a shoe that feels and fits great out on a run, and so I’m pumped to tell you about the AllBirds Tree Flyer. I have a pair, and they are great.
The Tree Flyer is lightweight, super springy, and wildly comfortable, making your running efforts, of all shapes and sizes, feel surprisingly effortless. They provide unbelievable cushion and comfort, so even your toughest runs are easier on your body.
I recommend this shoe, because I wear this shoe. Plus they have load of other great stuff too and they’re hooking you up with a free pair of AllBirds socks on your next order of $50 or more. Just use the promo code Pickupthesocks.
That’s promo code Pickupthesocks at AllBirds.com on your next order of $50 or more.
Lace up the Tree Flyer and get running today.