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Podcast #0: Primer Episode, What is Pick Up the Six Podcast?

I’m Brian Jodice and this is PICK UP THE SIX podcast, where we share stories of the men and women among us to go above and beyond to PICK UP THE SIX through service, purpose and impact.

Welcome to episode #0 of PICK UP THE SIX podcast, the primer episode.

We have 3 things to cover today:

What is picking up the six
Who is your host
What will you hear on this podcast

What is picking up the six?

In the military the “six” refers to behind you. “I’m going down range, watch my six.”

In a group of runners “picking up the six” means to turn around go get someone who is trailing behind.

The mentality of watching someone’s six, getting their back, or helping someone who is lagging behind has motivated our efforts at Pick Up the Six Productions. We believe that to PICK UP THE SIX we have to put others before ourselves.

On this platform we share the stories about men and women among us who go out of their way to PICK UP THE SIX through:

Service Before Self
Strength of Purpose
Community Impact

I am the founder and creator of PICK UP THE SIX Productions. I am a former TV broadcaster who was put on this earth to tell stories and connect people to something bigger than themselves. While I’m not a true native son of North Carolina, I do hold a degree in Electronic Media and Communications from Appalachian State University (Boone, NC) and I live in Apex, NC with his wife Liz and their two daughters.

I enjoy spending time with my family and waking up way too early in the morning for bootcamp workouts with my F3 Brothers, and I am also the host of the F3 COT (Circle of Trust) Podcast.

PICK UP THE SIX podcast was launched in 2018 as a platform to showcase stories from the men of F3 Nation. F3 is a men's fitness organization dedicated to male community leadership. The spark for the podcast, that has grown to reach 150,000+ listeners, has strengthened a mentality of leaving no one behind, or like we say around here PICKING UP THE SIX. Now, we have expanded PICK UP THE SIX to share more stories of service, purpose and impact. And if you’re looking for my F3 PICK UP THE SIX guys… they’re still out there crushing it!

So that means you’re going to hear shows or read articles at about people doing just that… picking up the six. In our first few weeks we’ll hear from Christy Lucas who launched a non profit to help veterans in and around her hometown of Hanover, PA. We’ll get a history lesson from a retired 3-star general about the depths that America will go to in retrieving a fallen service member, even 50 years after their death over a foreign land, and we’ll talk to Phillip Stutts who had created a company dedicated to service and giving back… while at the same time he is personally battling a disease that has no known cure… and he’s got a moon shot to solve it.

Sounds cool, right? We think so and we hope you’ll come along with us to pick up the six every step of the way.

Here’s what you can do:

Visit and sign up for our newsletter, subscribe to our podcast on your favorite app, follow up on social media, and share our show with your friends and family.

Until next time, I’m Brian Jodice and we’ll be picking up the six through service, purpose and impact.



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