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On Memorial Day thousands of men and women will complete the annual Memorial Day Murph.

It's a WOD (work out of the day) in honor of fallen Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy, killed in action in 2005 during Operation Red Wings.

On this special archived episode of PICK UP THE SIX Podcast we talk to Josh Appel, an Air Force Pararescuemen (aka PJ) who was part of the team during Red Wings, and who later helped start the Murph Challenge.


On May 11, 2005, Josh Appel graduated from medical school.

One month later, he was in Afghanistan and by June 28th he was part of the now infamous rescue of the Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell.

We revisit Operation Red Wings, from Josh’s perspective, Including incredible acts of service before self along the way.

And, he talks about his connection to the Memorial Day Murph, a tradition that unites thousands in an effort to honor fallen heroes.

This is PICK UP THE SIX Podcast.


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